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Kategorie: Haupt > Bau Renovation .... > Renovation Malerei Umbau > Industriespritzwerke Beschichtung
Fertigungstechnik Oberflächentechnik
Bollmann & Co., 8580 Amriswil. 
Eintrags-Nummer ID  12767

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  • Alleestr. 21, 8580 Amriswil.
  • 8592 Uttwil, 8590 Romanshorn, 9322 Egnach, 9314 Steinebrunn, 9320 Frasnacht.
  • Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra
  • Powder Coatings.
  • Beschichtungen: Coating: Revêtements.
Rohm and Haas Powder Coatings consistently brings innovative technology and service to the global marketplace. The breadth of its product lines, the quality of its people, and an unparalleled ability to serve customers regardless of geography provides a world of possibilities to the marketplace. Rohm and Haas stretches back to 1909, when a chemist, Otto Rohm, and a businessman, Otto Haas, formed a partnership that combined scientific genius with strong business acumen which eventually led to great success in countries around the world. Rohm and Haas Powder Coatings has over 40 years powder coating experience. As one of the original innovators in the field, we are not only a ‘familiar face’ but also on the cutting-edge of what’s happening in the industry today, and tomorrow. Rohm and Haas Powder Coatings are in a unique position to help clients by providing the most accurate, objective global and regional information and service for their individual needs.
Eintrags-Nummer ID 12767
URL 1 :
Adresse : Alleestr. 21, 8580 Amriswil.
Agglomeration : 8592 Uttwil, 8590 Romanshorn, 9322 Egnach, 9314 Steinebrunn, 9320 Frasnacht.
Land / Länder : Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra
Produkt-Liste : Powder Coatings.
Dienstleistungen : Beschichtungen: Coating: Revêtements.
  • Industriespritzwerk Industriespritzwerke Spritztechnik Spritzarbeiten Spritzerei Malerwerkstatt Elektro Lackierpistole, Farbspritzpistole,Fa. Ferm, Glanzlack Buntlack Farbroller Farben Farbroller Holzschutz Lacke Leime Lösungsmittel
  • Pulverbeschichtung, Pulverisation (Peinture), Pulverisazione Pulverisations Pulverisazioni Industriespritzwerk, Industriespritzwerke Peinture industrielle, Pittura industriale, Peintures Farbsprühpistol Farbsprühpistole Avenarius; Avenarin
  • Marke Epoxyd - Epoxy - Epoxid - Epoxi Rostschutzfarbe, Rostschutz- Grund 750ml Weisslack Malerpinsel Versiegelungslack Lackierpistole, Farbspritzpistole Holzlack Parkettlack 5L farblos

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