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> Datensicherung Backuplösungen AIM Consulting SA 6900 Lugano  
Eintrags-Nummer ID  29552

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  • 6900 Lugano
  • 6900 Lugano,6902 Lugano,6918 Figino , 6916 Grancia6945 Origlio , 6996 Ponte Cremenaga , 6814 Lamone , 6997 Sessa , 21030 Marchirolo (VA) ,
  • Sicurezza informatica
  • Informatiksicherheit, omputer security,Sécurité en informatique, Sicurezza informatica,
Welcome AIM Consulting SA is your partner of choice in Ticino for high quality IT solutions.  We will work with you to convert your business requirements into reliable performing IT solutions, which form the basic platform to reach the highest goals.

AIM Consulting SA AIM Consulting SA is headquartered in Lugano, Ticino and supports the IT field. AIM Consulting provides network services on Microsoft systems. Supplies technological solutions for your IT infrastructure to satisfy all of your needs and requirements. AIM Consulting’s employees’ posses vast experience in all facets of IT maintenance, and support. AIM Consulting is SN EN ISO 9001:2000 in part due to their highly skilled employees. This vast knowledge base is made available to you to meet your most demanding requirements.

Four reasons to entrusting your confidence Aim Consulting is a company comprised of high-level professionals with strong technical backgrounds, each with a history of field experience. Every consultant at AIM Consulting works toward a common goal, to be part of a team. Everyone on the team understands how important it is that AIM Consulting focused on being an industry leader, which means bringing a high level of experience at a fair price in a timely fashion.



6900 Lugano

Eintrags-Nummer ID 29552
URL 1 :
Adresse : 6900 Lugano
Agglomeration : 6900 Lugano,6902 Lugano,6918 Figino , 6916 Grancia6945 Origlio , 6996 Ponte Cremenaga , 6814 Lamone , 6997 Sessa , 21030 Marchirolo (VA) ,
Produkt-Liste : Sicurezza informatica
Dienstleistungen : Informatiksicherheit, omputer security,Sécurité en informatique, Sicurezza informatica,
  • Datensicherung Backuplösungen Supercomputer Terabyte Massenspeicher Backup Systeme Backups lösungen Daten sicherung Dateisicherung Datensicherungen Sicherungskopie Backuplösung
  • Sicherungskopien Datenbanksicherung Datenbanksicherungen Datenverlust Disaster-Recovery storage management datastorage datarecovery remote backup corrupt data corruptdata
  • Bildträger Tonträger Bild-/Ton-/ Datenträger, Supports d'image/de son/de données, Supporto immagine / suono / dati. Memorystick USB-Memorysticks Memory Stck Memory-Sticks Joystick Joysticks

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