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The Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE) was established with preparatory technical assistance from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank in 1993. The Exchange opened on 21st February 1994. In it's first two years of operation the LuSE and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are funded by the UNDP and Government of Zambia as a project on financial and capital market development in Zambia under the multi component private sector development programme. The LuSE is made up of stock broking corporate members and is incorporated as a non - profit limited Liability Company.
Listed Companies:
AELZ African Explosives Zambia BATZ British American Tobacco Zambia BPZAM BP Zambia CCHZ Cavmont Capital Holdings Zambia CEC Copperbelt Energy Corporation
Listed Companies:
AELZ African Explosives Zambia BATZ British American Tobacco Zambia BPZAM BP Zambia CCHZ Cavmont Capital Holdings Zambia CEC Copperbelt Energy Corporation
URL 1 : | http://www.luse.co.zm/ |
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